Directions & Parking

Did you know that Olmsted Park is the longest group of linear parks in the City of Atlanta? We organized the festival by sections for Craft, Antiques, Children, and Fine Arts.

A map is included in artist check-in packets, as well as displayed at the festival. 

Festival on Ponce

Shadyside Park: 1635 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30307
Oak Grove Park: 1451 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30307
Springdale Park: 1247 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30306

(We find using 1451 Ponce de Leon Avenue is the best)

NOTE: Please be respectful and do not park in front of someone’s driveway or business.

Artist booth assignments are sent by email to all participants in advance.
A map is handed out at check-in showing assigned spaces.

In the meantime, get acquainted with the site plan on this page.

(NOTE: You can enlarge it by clicking “View” and “Zoom” in your browser.)


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